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Job Vacancies in Minnesota at Highest Level Since 2001

4/14/2015 10:14:43 AM

Minnesota employers are adding jobs – and at a record level. According to DEED’s latest Job Vacancy Survey findings, Minnesota has nearly 90,000 open jobs – that’s the most in nearly 14 years.

Twice a year, DEED surveys employers to estimate hiring demand and job vacancy characteristics by industry and occupation. DEED's sample size is about 10,000 firms in 13 regions of the state, each of which are asked certain characteristics of job vacancies not only by occupational group and industry, but also wages, benefits, education and experience requirements.

Right now, the state’s job market is essentially at equilibrium. The ratio of unemployed Minnesotans to the number of open jobs in the state is roughly 1-to-1. Just one year ago, there were 2.1 unemployed people for every vacancy.

This last survey is yet another indication that the state’s economy is growing, but also that labor market is going to continue to tighten as employers fill positions left behind by baby boomers exiting the workforce.

Here are other findings from the Fourth Quarter Job Vacancy Survey:

  • Forty percent of job vacancies were for part-time employment (fewer than 35 hours per week).
  • Eleven percent of job vacancies were for temporary or seasonal work.
  • Thirty-nine percent required some post-secondary education or training beyond a high school diploma.
  • Forty-six percent required one or more years of work experience.
  • Fifty-two percent offered health insurance.

To find out more about DEED’s Job Vacancy Survey, explore the data tool available on DEED’s website at /deed/data/data-tools/job-vacancy/index.jsp

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