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DEED Names Deputy Commissioner for Workforce Development

5/2/2019 8:00:00 AM

Commissioner Steve Grove

Recently appointed Assistant Commissioner of Economic Opportunity Hamse Warfa has been promoted to Deputy Commissioner for Workforce Development here at DEED. In this role, Warfa will continue to lead the Office of Economic Opportunity, and will also take on leadership of Employment and Training Programs, CareerForce, and the Governor’s Workforce Development Board. 

Warfa’s experience in the philanthropic/nonprofit and private sectors has helped him bring great thinking to DEED’s workforce efforts. After interviewing dozens of candidates for our commissioner-level roles in workforce development, I’m confident that Hamse is the right leader for these efforts. 

Additionally, bringing the Office of Economic Opportunity more closely alongside our workforce efforts will further ensure our efforts for equity are deeply integrated into DEED’s core functions. This alignment will only grow our ability to make meaningful change in the employment opportunities for Minnesotans from all backgrounds. 

We will continue our hiring search for an Assistant Commissioner of Workforce Services, which will lead State Services for the Blind, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Unemployment Insurance, and Disability Determination Services. Together, both of these leaders will work to advance DEED’s overall mission of improving prosperity and independence for all Minnesotans.


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