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DEED Recognized in Recent State, National Awards

7/1/2019 12:19:17 PM

Commissioner Steve Grove

DEED Economic Analysis Team Wins C2ER Excellence Award

DEED economic analysts Ed Hodder and Magda Olson, led by Director Neal Young, recently won an Excellence award in the category of "Policy Analysis Supporting Federal, State, or Local Initiatives" from the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER).2019-07-01-MagdaOlsonEdHodderAward

The C2ER awards program recognizes the contribution of research activities to the success of local, regional, or state/provincial economic development initiatives. The purpose is to increase the quality of economic development research by identifying projects that have real merit and sending creative ideas for research activities out into the broader universe.

The award was announced on June 6, 2019, at the C2ER annual conference in St. Louis. This nationally recognized achievement raises the bar on DEED’s commitment to open government.

Congratulations, Team!

Deputy Commissioner McKinnon Receives 2019 EDAM President's Award

Kevin McKinnon, Deputy Commissioner of Economic Development, was recently honored with the President’s Award by the Economic Development Association of Minnesota (EDAM).

2019-07-01-KevinMcKinnonAwardKevin has been known in economic development circles, at the local, state and national levels, for years. He’s a true leader in the industry – and there’s no mistaking the relationship between the work he does every day and the stellar rankings Minnesota earns as one of the best places to live, work and do business.

Kevin is known not only for the work he does, but the way he does it – bringing a collaborative spirit to the job and a thoughtful, focused, and problem-solving demeanor that creates opportunity with the businesses and people he serves.

EDAM says Kevin exemplifies leadership, passion, and dedication in the economic development field. And we’re grateful he’s on our team at DEED.

– Commissioner Steve Grove

Economic Development

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