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Small Business Saturday

11/27/2019 5:00:00 PM

Commissioner Steve Grove

Are you planning to find Black Friday doorbusters this year? Don’t forget to save some of your holiday shopping for tomorrow, Small Business Saturday. 

We’re excited that Governor Tim Walz proclaimed November 30, 2019 as Small Business Saturday in the State of Minnesota to recognize the importance and contributions of the more than 500,000 small businesses across our state. Minnesota’s small businesses employ more than one million state residents. In fact, small business employees make up 47.8% of all employees in Minnesota.  

At DEED, we support pre-venture, startup, and established businesses through a statewide network of Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) that provide expertise and guidance to small business owners, so they can flourish in today's competitive and ever-changing business world.

Employees of a small business in northwest Minnesota Supporting small businesses is good for our communities and state economy when you spend a dollar at a small business, almost 67 cents of it, on average, stays in your local community. I hope you take a break this weekend to visit a local restaurant or the small boutique down the street! 

For more information on small businesses in Minnesota, check out this video.

– Commissioner Steve Grove

Photo: As founders of Golden Sun in Bemidji, Renzo and Dennice Alia make authentic Filipino food


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