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To our nonprofits partners: we are here to help

3/25/2020 8:15:13 AM

Deputy Commissioner Hamse Warfa

We know that many nonprofits across Minnesota are facing unique challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing recommendations are changing service delivery models, economic challenges are increasing case loads, and uncertainty amongst those we serve can increase stress levels.

During this unprecedented time, we are doubling down on our commitment to our nonprofit partners at DEED. We stand with you in support of Minnesota’s workers who drive our economy, and we are grateful for all that you’re doing to help workers across Minnesota.

In the last year we made several changes to our Request For Proposal and grant monitoring processes to strengthen our relationships with community nonprofits who are an important partner in meeting our workforce development goals. We streamlined processes and made improvements in our systems so that our nonprofit partners can operate with efficiency, clarity, and agility.

We want our grantees to know that DEED will do what we can to work with you. If you think you might need an advance payment or grant extension, please contact your DEED Program Coordinator.

Cash Advances

Reimbursement is the preferred method for grant payments, but in certain circumstances, DEED can approve cash advance payments for nonprofits. Please contact your DEED Program Coordinator to learn about the cash advance process.

Partnership and Technical Assistance

Given that the state is experiencing a rapidly changing economic situation and given that when Minnesotans are ready to return to work, we will be ready with a system to support them, we encourage our partners whose needs have changed to reach out to us. For our partners who are facing extraordinary circumstances that are challenging their ability to perform their proposed work, DEED is ready and willing to work with you on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to your DEED Program Coordinator for technical assistance.

We are confident that Minnesota will come back stronger than we are today. DEED is here to work with our nonprofit partners, Minnesota employers and workers to find solutions for employment and economic growth for the future of our state. When we look ahead, we have a lot to look forward to. Let us know how we can continue to be strong partners for our community.

-Hamse Warfa, Deputy Commissioner for Workforce Development



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