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Provide your input on Minnesota’s new social distancing norms

4/25/2020 4:00:51 PM

Commissioner Steve Grove

Although the State of Minnesota is currently operating under an active Stay at Home order, state agencies – including the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) – are in the process of thinking through what our new "social distancing norms" should be once the Stay at Home order is eventually lifted.

For example:

  • Should everyone keep wearing masks?
  • How do we stay 6 feet away from each other in naturally smaller spaces, like an elevator?

Our main goals are to help Minnesotans stay safe & healthy while enabling more social and economic activity. This is why we need your help to get the design of these new norms right.

Take our new survey and provide your input on new social distancing norms!

This survey is designed to identify trends across organizational categories rather than focusing on the views of one organization. We will anonymize the results as much as possible by removing survey comments that identify specific people or organizations. 

Together, Minnesotans have made progress and helped slow the spread of COVID-19. But as Governor Walz and public health officials have reminded us, life is going to feel different for quite some time. It's important that we work together on what our new social distancing norms and practices look like in the long run.  

Please take a moment to share your thoughts on the questions in this survey. Your feedback is appreciated and will valuable as we plan for what comes next.

Click here to take the survey today!

Thank you.



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