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Grants Awarded for Career Pathways Pilot Program (CP3)

5/6/2020 9:44:10 AM

Deputy Commissioner Hamse Warfa

I am pleased to announce that DEED has awarded three grants totaling $500,000 beginning SFY 2021 for the Career Pathways Pilot Program (CP3) to three Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDAs) to develop and implement career pathways programs that strengthen access to work experience opportunities. Specifically, these projects are designed to promote racial equity as well as gender and disability equality by prioritizing services to youth of color, young women, youth with disabilities, and young veterans. Within the youth workforce development system, paid work experiences serve a critical role for young people in acquiring career-specific skills, advancing work-readiness, and connecting to longer-term career opportunities. LWDAs are required to partner with a community-based organization, a local education agency, and an employer.

These funds supplement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth formula funding that the LWDAs receive on an annual basis. These grants will allow the LWDAs to expand programming to serve additional economically disadvantaged youth ages 14-24.

The CP3 funds were awarded through open competition and the following LWDAs were selected for funding:

Minnesota Valley Action Council/South Central Workforce Council (Mankato), $250,000

The Minnesota Region 5 CP3 project will help eliminate the barriers contributing to economic disparities by supporting youth to 1) complete their high school education, or equivalent 2) provide work readiness skills training to prepare youth for the world of work 3) provide rich labor market information on high-growth, in-demand occupations so youth are aware of real, local career opportunities, and 4) provide hands on learning through training, work experience and career counseling services to help youth identify career goals and the career pathway to that career. This unique culturally appropriate project will serve 40 diverse youth from the Lower Sioux Indian Community and six local school districts with higher concentrations of youth of color including Madelia, Mankato, St. James, Le Sueur-Henderson, St. Peter and Tri-City United. The project provides youth high quality training leading to industry recognized credentials in healthcare, manufacturing, information technology and construction with hands-on work experience opportunities. Local contact: Heather Gleason,

Workforce Development, Inc. (Rochester), $190,000

Youth in Southeast Minnesota will receive intensive, work-based learning experiences from Workforce Development, Inc. through pre-and concurrent work experience skills training, mentoring, partnerships with a wide array of community partners and access to career pathways programming. Those enrolled in the Southeast Minnesota CP3 program will have chance at a stronger future for themselves and their families. Strategies for implementation include: educating community partners and education entities about the program; Employer Outreach Specialists connecting with area employers; partnering with educators to develop a core essential skills curriculum;  recruiting participants with the support of education entities and local community organizations through word of mouth and current customers; and hosting job club discussions to connect youth with others with similar work experiences.  Local contact: David LeGarde,

Central Minnesota Jobs and Training Services (Monticello), $60,000

To address economic disparities and higher unemployment rates experienced by youth with disabilities, youth of color, young women, and young veterans within Economic Development Region 7E (Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties), Central Minnesota Jobs and Training Services, Inc. will provide the Central Minnesota Career Pathways Pilot Program (CM CP3). Starting with assessment and career pathway awareness, this program will collaborate with local employers and education entities to combine work-based learning with classroom training and the potential for stackable credentials. The project will focus on careers in manufacturing, healthcare and information technology. Community organizations will be engaged to help meet the support service needs of participants. Local contact: Diana Ristamaki,



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