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Second Immigrant and Refugee Forum Sparked Good Discussion and Provides Useful Resources

1/14/2021 3:11:48 PM

Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Assistant Commissioner Anisa Hajimumin

I’m really excited about the great exchange of ideas that took place during our second Immigrant and Refugee Forum earlier this month. The Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs at the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) hosts these forums the first Tuesday of the month to bring together immigrant and refugee community advocates, business owners, elders and leaders. Topics discussed at January’s forum included civil rights, COVID-19 and disparities BIPOC communities are facing, small business registration, forms and filing fees, taxation for small businesses and an update on the Emerging Entrepreneurship Loan Program.

Speakers included representatives from DEED as well as the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, the Minnesota Department of Revenue, the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office and the Minnesota African Coalition. Participants indicated they found the presentations very useful and sought more information on:

  • Business filings, forms and filing fees
  • Language accessibility, translated materials and how and where these resources are shared
  • Limited engagement and outreach to the black and brown small business owners
  • Community engagement
  • More information on refugees arriving Minnesota and/or U.S. and information available by resettlement agencies
  • Sales tax audit and outreach services to the communities, particularly to small business owners

Upcoming Immigrant and Refugee Forums will continue to highlight and create ways to engage with communities seeking more information on state agencies and/or programs. Here are links to resources discussed and shared during January’s forum:

immigrants and refugees

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