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Announcing “The Next Minnesota Economy” Series of Roundtables on Rebuilding a More Equitable Economy, for Everyone

3/2/2021 12:23:20 PM

As Minnesota’s battle to defeat COVID-19 continues, our equitable economic recovery is a top priority of Governor Tim Walz, Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan, and our team here at the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). This pandemic has had a devastating effect on so many of our state’s businesses and workers – and it has also caused many leaders to rethink the future of our economy.

How can we rebuild our economy to provide opportunity for everyone? What are the jobs of the future, and how can we reskill our workforce to capitalize on them? How can we attract business growth that creates good jobs at the cutting edge of workplace and technology trends?

These are some of the questions we seek to address in roundtable series we kicked off today called “The Next Minnesota Economy.” These roundtables will include leaders and workers from industries and communities across the state, and will focus on three broad themes:

  1. Building an inclusive economy where everyone can succeed
  2. Reskilling Minnesota for the jobs of the future
  3. Creating good jobs that provide family-sustaining wages

First, Lt Governor Flanagan hosted a roundtable focused on impact COVID-19 has had on women in the workforce. You can watch it on the DEED YouTube Page.

Then on Friday, DEED will host a roundtable focused on reskilling Minnesota’s workforce for the jobs of the future. The paradox of this pandemic is that while we’ve lost a lot of jobs, there are also lots of good jobs available now. The roundtable will include the launch of a new initiative we’re driving at DEED to place thousands of unemployed workers into re-training programs or on-the-job training programs that lead to great jobs in our economy.

In the coming weeks, we’ll host a series of additional roundtables with state leaders on topics focused on recovery. Topics will include youth jobs, startup growth, workforce development policy, small business growth, and more. Stay tuned to DEED’s social media channels, and this blog, for more information.

The Next Minnesota Economy seeks to convene conversations that can accelerate our recovery. Working together, government, business, and community can ensure that Minnesota comes out of this pandemic with a stronger economic outlook and a roadmap for inclusive economic growth – for everyone.

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