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Governor’s Trade Mission Update: Day Two in the United Kingdom

11/15/2021 4:22:18 PM

The Governor’s trade mission continued today in the United Kingdom with visits and events in London, England.

To start the day, Governor Walz met with Minister Greg Hands of the State Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy as well as Minister Penny Mordaunt of State Trade Policy. These meetings are key to highlighting how Minnesota, the problem-solving capital of the United States, can be a strong partner to businesses in the United Kingdom and worldwide because Minnesotans start and grow businesses that help shape the global economy.

day 2 Trade Mission Photo From MeetingGovernor Walz and the delegation continued their day with a visit to Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. Rochester, Minnesota-based Mayo Clinic opened the central London location last year to provide convenient local and regional access to its world-renowned medical care.

Mayo Clinic is a cornerstone of Minnesota’s global reputation as a pioneer in health care excellence and medical breakthroughs. Minnesota’s renown in the field makes the state a destination for those seeking state-of-the-art health care, as well as for researchers, entrepreneurs, and companies in the medical device, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.

Medical devices and pharmaceuticals are among Minnesota’s top four exports to the U.K. In 2020, Minnesota companies exported $499 million in products to the U.K., with medical devices accounting for $110 million, and pharmaceuticals accounting for $43 million.

More than 33,000 Minnesotans work in medical device manufacturing alone. Innovative researchers, medical providers, entrepreneurs and manufacturers in Minnesota have developed an astonishing number of breakthrough medical technologies and treatments. Additionally, Minnesota ranks among the top states in medical device patents per 1 million people.

The trade mission to the United Kingdom and Finland will occur from November 13-19, 2021, with stops in the major business centers of London and Helsinki. The mission is focused on increasing state exports, promoting Minnesota as a premier destination for business investment, developing new business opportunities, and strengthening existing ties.

The trade mission is building off of the recently-launched “Build What Matters” campaign, housed at, which showcases the compelling reasons for doing business in our state.

Stay in touch with trade mission updates by following DEED’s Development Blog.

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