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Build What Matters Tour Kicks-Off at the Capitol, Commissioners Tour Northeastern Minnesota

10/4/2022 10:20:54 AM

commissioners on state capitol steps

The Build What Matters tour kicked-off at the State Capitol this morning, where Minnesota Commissioners started their journey north to Cloquet. The commissioners will spend time in eight communities in northeastern Minnesota, visiting companies, schools and public works projects to learn about success stories and gain insight from across the region.

The focus of the Build What Matters tour is to connect with communities and community leaders, to listen and learn about the issues Minnesota communities are facing so DEED and other state agencies can work in partnership with communities to provide solutions for all Minnesotans.

Everyone on the tour, as well as other leaders in the Walz-Flanagan Administration, interacts with business in one way or another. And every agency supports shared goals: to see Minnesota's private sector flourish, to make sure every Minnesotan has a fair shot at a good-paying job, and to make our state the very best in the country to locate, start and grow a successful business. Those goals are better achieved when everyone works together. DEED succeeds when we hear directly from communities, businesses and Minnesotans from around the state.

A few ways the state agencies work together to reach out, connect with businesses, and help them take off is through the Minnesota Business First Stop (MBFS) and the Minnesota Business Vitality Council (MBVC). The MBFS is a partnership of nine state agencies that helps straighten out the development process so complex business projects can cut through red tape and move forward quickly and efficiently. MBVC is the Walz-Flanagan Administration's interagency group that works to uncover ways to tackle complex economic development issues and capitalize on the ample opportunities to grow Minnesota's economy.

So whether Minnesotans are looking to make a big splash—by launching a new business—or navigate the nitty gritty—such as adjusting to new tax codes—DEED is always available to serve and support them. We're excited to hear from business leaders and communities on this Build What Matters tour because people are at the heart of what makes Minnesota great. Let's keep building together.

Economic Development

Northeast MN

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