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Launch Minnesota invites you to participate in Global Entrepreneurship Week

11/14/2022 10:04:57 PM

Launch Minnesota Executive Director Neela Mollgaard

celebrating-entrepreneurial-diversityI am so thrilled that this week Launch Minnesota joins a collective of individuals and organizations throughout the country and around the world to celebrate international innovation during Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW). Please join us for GEW virtual events throughout the week.

GEW is a celebration of entrepreneurship and innovation that is active in 180 countries with roughly nine million participants in 35,000 activities. GEW takes place today through November 20 and is organized by the Global Entrepreneurship Network.

Launch Minnesota is partnering with Ini Augustine to serve as co-state coordinators for this year's GEW.

You're invited to a virtual GEW event this week hosted by Launch Minnesota and the Minnesota Trade Office to discuss the challenges and opportunities of expanding your business internationally.

Global Entrepreneurship Week: Expanding Startup Globally

Thursday, November 16
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Find out more

Join via Zoom  

Two of GEW's key actions are to connect innovation-focused organizations and other key stakeholders, and expand awareness to encourage engagement by communities not traditionally involved in entrepreneurial activities. Launch Minnesota is honored to aid in this connection and awareness raising.

And, we're really excited to showcase Minnesota entrepreneurs and our state's strong startup community on a global platform by partnering with the Global Entrepreneurship Network. Several Launch Minnesota partners also have events planned during GEW, November 14-20:  

You can learn about these events and others on our statewide calendar for startups and small businesses.

Launch Minnesota is a statewide collaborative effort helping startups by increasing access to capital, creating a collaborative and connected culture, and growing entrepreneurial talent and expertise. Since its inception, Launch Minnesota has awarded $6M in grant funding to 176 innovative Minnesota startups. In invite you to find out more about Launch Minnesota.

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