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Workforce Wednesday: Building a Culture of Wellness in the Workplace

5/5/2023 11:32:57 AM

Screenshot of the May Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Forum virtual meeting

May's Workforce Wednesday discussion focused on strategies businesses can use to promote retention by building a culture of wellness and supporting health, including mental health, in the workplace. We heard from a panel of employers and subject matter experts who shared ideas, tools and experiences.

First, Amanda O'Connell from DEED's Labor Market Information Office, illustrated the connection between workplace wellbeing and organizational outcomes.

"Low levels of wellbeing and work life balance can lead to stress and burnout and other negative health outcomes, and there is research to support the relationship between healthy workplace practices and organizational outcomes such as job performance, attendance, absenteeism, turnover, productivity and organizational costs." Amanda O'Connell, Southeast & South Central Regional Labor Market Analyst, DEED

Then experts on the panel outlined workplace wellness strategies and ways to implement them. Julie Brock, of Julie Brock Consulting, spoke about ways to normalize conversations around mental health and to consider identifying employees who could provide mental health first aid.

"So just like many organizations have at least few a few people who are trained for CPR, it's the same for mental health and wellbeing. Having a few employees that are really trained and are mental health first aid responders is a great place to start to make sure we have people who are ready to respond if a crisis arises." Julie Brock, Lead Strategist, Julie Brock Consulting

Maria Serbus, who is a Stress Management Consultant, spoke about steps employers can take to help employees relieve stress in a way that works for each individual.

"I like to pose it as a stress management toolkit, I think that can sound a little bit more fun. Like, okay, "What's in your stress management toolkit?" as we're coming up with messaging that people can kind of rally around. So that could be anything from grabbing an essential oil, having music, having on-site places at work where people can go to destress and calm." Maria Serbus, Stress Management Consultant, Self Empowerment Speaker, CEO, Maria Serbus, LLC

Leena Murphy with the City of Rochester shared how the city supports employee-led affinity groups, which can help people find community and belonging at work, as well as a Wellness Committee dedicated specifically to employee wellness.

"We also have a Wellness committee. So they sponsor a variety of events like a walking challenge, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle options. Lots of free events that are going on in the community are also promoted through this Wellness Community. So it's a way to connect with your co-workers to go and attend an event at the Arts Center or attend a free meditation." Leena Murphy, Senior HR Consultant, City of Rochester

Then, several staff from Albert Lea Select Foods joined the discussion to share how that company has worked to establish a healthy workplace culture. Steps they've taken include everything from an open door policy for company leadership to fun gatherings with employees and their families. One activity in particular helped employees share a different side of themselves – and more than they usually share at work.

"One of the best things that I can honestly say we ever did was we had an art contest. And for those of you that don't know what we do here, we cut pork and package pork products…once we started this art contest, it was amazing the talent that came out of it. We had a whole bunch of sculptures, paintings, everything else…it is just amazing to get to know people on a different level other than just an employee." Jeff Woodside, Plant Manager, Albert Lea Select Foods

"We have invested in the free clinic for the employees...with basic health care for employees from the first day they walk in the door. And it's been such a blessing to all of our employees to have that clinic because you can go over there and they'll see you for your blood pressure, run a test your doctor has ordered, give you free prescriptions, do all those things that they need done." Charles Newton, HR Manager, Albert Lea Select Foods

View a recording of this session and other past sessions, find a full slate of downloadable resources mentioned during the May 3 session, and access a schedule for upcoming Workforce Wednesday sessions on the Workforce Wednesday page on


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