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Driver’s License for All Highlighted at September’s Immigrant & Refugee Affairs Forum

9/29/2023 2:43:10 PM


September’s Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Forum provided some exciting and important updates from the Department of Vehicle Services, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development and the Department of Education.

Driver’s License for All Begins October 1

Beginning in October, the Driver's License for All law will allow Minnesotans to apply for a standard class D instruction permit, driver's license or a standard identification card without the need to show proof of legal presence in the United States. The driver’s license manual for the written exam has been translated into multiple languages, which you can find on their website, and the written exam will be available in eight languages at Department of Vehicle Services locations.

An estimated 81,000 Minnesotans will become eligible for a driver's license when Driver's License for All goes into effect October 1. This new law will help make the roads safer for everyone by providing a legal path for more drivers to learn how to operate a vehicle safely and become properly certified to drive. It will also help New Americans who don’t currently have access to a driver’s license be able to legally drive to good employment further away from home, buy car insurance and open a bank account, among other positive changes.

Office of Small Business and Innovation Overview

DEED’s Executive Director of Small Business and Innovation Neela Mollgaard shared how her office connects Minnesota's small businesses and entrepreneurs to DEED’s available funding resources. Some of the programs she highlighted include:

  • Launch Minnesota Innovation Grants: Provide grants to innovative and scalable technology startup businesses in Minnesota.
  • STEP Grant: Provides financial and technical assistance to qualifying Minnesota small businesses with an active interest in exporting products or services to foreign markets.
  • Native American Business Loan: Supports the development of businesses owned and operated by Native Americans in Minnesota and promotes economic opportunities for American Indians people throughout Minnesota.
  • Emerging Entrepreneur Loan: Provides loans to businesses that are owned and operated by people of color, low-income persons, women, veterans and/or persons with disabilities.
  • Promise Loan: Provides loans to businesses, nonprofits and developers that have been adversely affected by structural racial discrimination, civil unrest, lack of access to capital, loss of population or an aging population, or lack of regional economic diversification.

Minnesota Department of Education Update

The Minnesota Department of Education has translated their Parent or Guardian Guide to School for Families New to the Country into multiple languages available on their website. The handbook describes and explains the public school system in Minnesota and the role families can play in their child’s education. It is a practical guide to help parents or guardians understand their student’s rights as well as the opportunities and resources available to the families and students.

If you missed this month's forum, you can watch our discussion on DEED's YouTube channel.

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