11/25/2024 10:35:18 AM
DEED Deputy Commissioner Marc Majors and Director of CareerForce Veterans Employment Services Ray Douha
U.S. military veterans receive priority of service in Minnesota – and November is a great time to highlight the people served and who provides that service. DEED provides workforce services to thousands of current and former military members every year – in fact, DEED CareerForce staff served 4,734 current and former U.S. military members across Minnesota during the latest year for which data is available.
The 4,734 veterans who received services included service members recently returning from deployment, Vietnam-era veterans, individuals who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and National Guard Members who live in communities throughout the state. Some of those veterans include:
Of the 4,734 veterans served during the fiscal year ending in June 2024, 536 were veterans experiencing significant barriers to employment – they received individualized, case-managed career services. Of the veterans who received case-managed services, 434 veterans (81%) found employment by June 30, 2024, and their average wage at exit from the case-managed program was $28.73 per hour. That's over $7 more per hour than the cost of living for a typical Minnesota family.
Veterans with disabilities, service members who have just returned from deployment, and people who recently retired from active duty can face significant barriers to finding employment. What skills and experience earned in the military correlate with civilian employment? How can they find community and support in a civilian work culture and structure that is often very different from that in the military? CareerForce Veterans Employment Services staff can help answer these questions and many others because all CareerForce Veterans Employment Representatives are veterans themselves. They are truly veterans serving veterans.
Another group of veterans who face serious barriers to employment are veterans with a criminal record. DEED is partnering with the Minnesota Department of Corrections to provide intensive employment services and counseling for justice-involved veterans nearing their release date from prison. CareerForce Veterans Employment Representatives also work with the Veterans Diversionary Court Program to provide an option for veterans who have had encounters with the criminal justice system and provide an alternative to prison.
Some more information about the Minnesotans served by CareerForce Veterans Employment Services during the most recent program year: 20% of the veterans served were People of Color and 14% were women. It is important to note that 17% of returning National Guard and Reserve troops in Minnesota are women.
Kim, the former Marine served by CareerForce Veterans Employment Services, perhaps said it best when she offered this advice to other veterans reentering the civilian workforce: "Don't be afraid to ask for help."
Find out how CareerForce Veterans Employment Services can help you.